Emergency Eye Care Expert Witness

Emergency eye care usually consists of treatment of chemical injuries to the eye, abrasions of the cornea, and foreign bodies to the eye. Serious ocular emergencies include foreign bodies that enter the internal portion of the eye, rupture of the eye, acute elevation of eye pressure, retinal tears, and retinal detachments.  An emergency eye care expert witness may be able to analyze treatment of emergency eye injuries.

Cases in Point

Dr. Reynard was retained as an expert to determine the extent of eye injury in a patient following assault in which both eyes were repeatedly struck by an assailant.

Dr. Reynard served on the Emergency Committee for a major hospital in Los Angeles.

Dr. Reynard had extensive training in ophthalmic emeregencies at a major trauma hospital in Los Angeles. In this capacity, he treated patients with eye injuries from car accidents, gunshot wounds, and chemical injuries.

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