Seeking Expert Ophthalmology Testimony

Seeking and obtaining appropriate expert ophthalmology testimony can be an essential component for understanding legal issues.  Fortunately, a variety of sources are available to attorneys, companies, as well as public and private industrial entities to obtain expert ophthalmologists for analysis and testimony.

Many legal trade journals and magazines have articles from medical experts who write on a variety of topics.  These sources are usually indexed for electronic searches so that seeking a relevant expert may be quick and the article may also serve as an informative resource.

Organizations that represent ophthalmologists may also be a good source for referrals.  The American Academy of Ophthalmology publishes an online member directory that includes board-certified ophthalmologists.  Their membership directory includes medical and osteopathic physicians who provide medical, surgical, and optical care.

Several directories of Independent Medical Examiners provides a list of ophthalmologists who perform examinations on claimants with vision issues.  Many ophthalmologists in this list have extensive experience writing credible reports that are used for legal testimony.  An extensive expert witness directory is another resource that contains detailed information about ophthalmologists who also serve as expert witnesses.  An expert witness directory includes detailed listing information with web sites and contact information for each expert.

Experts who provide ophthalmology testimony are defined under Federal Rule 702 as an expert by knowledge, skill, experience, training, or education to provide testimony in the form of an opinion.  Expert ophthalmology testimony is effective when it is based on credible facts or other forms of information.  Quite often, expert ophthalmology testimony relies on proper methods of investigation and the application of the principles of investigation to the facts of the case.  The trier of the case makes the ultimate decision as to the relevance and importance of information provided by expert ophthalmology testimony.

In the courtroom, it is the trial judge who determines of ophthalmology expert testimony is properly grounded and well-reasoned.  Proffered expert testimony that is based on speculation can be stricken from the record.  Reliable principles and methods used by an ophthalmology method are admissible by the judge and helpful for the jury.  However, experience may overshadow scientific analysis as the primary basis for credible expert testimony.

When an expert ophthalmology witness relies exclusively on experience to provide opinions, the witness may be challenged to show why a sufficient basis exists for the opinion, and how opinions have been reasonably derived from that experience.  Simply accepting an expert’s opinion is insufficient for triers of fact to arrive at conclusions that are grounded in logic.  Even hypothetical facts that are supported by evidence may be considered admissible testimony.

Expert ophthalmology testimony may also need to consider different versions of the facts.  An ophthalmology expert may be required to explain why the version of facts that were chosen is the ones that he or she relied on.  The ophthalmologist needs to be prepared to present his testimony in an objective manner that educates a jury and explains the rationale for the basis of opinions that are offered.

Professionals for industry applications and legal matters seek expert ophthalmology testimony for a variety of reasons.  Seeking qualified ophthalmology expert witnesses through a variety of sources that include trade journals, professional organizations, and expert directories.  Experts qualified to provide expert ophthalmology testimony may be helpful for understanding a case and formulating appropriate strategies.


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